Cool File Viewer - open rar, docx and more - Microsoft Apps
Por um escritor misterioso
Last updated 17 março 2025
Cool File Viewer allows you to view any file on your PC. Simply select any file via the program window without first having to decide which application should be used to open a file. Cool File Viewer supports many common audio and video formats and can display many image, web, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Pages layout file types.
- View any file on your PC.
- Watch movies and listen to music including file formats like MKV, MP4, etc.
- Open PPTX, Word, PDF, PNG, JPEG and many more.
Over 450+ Supported File Types:
Text Documents
- Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx)
- OpenDocument formats (.odt, .ott, .oth and .odm )
- Open Office formats (.sxw, .stw and .sxg)
- Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/Mac) (.doc and .dot)
- Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml)
- Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML (.docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm)
- Microsoft WinWord 5 (.doc)
- WordPerfect Document (.wpd)
- Microsoft Works (.wps)
- Lotus WordPro (.lwp)
- Abiword Document (.abw, .zabw)
- ClarisWorks/Appleworks Document (.cwk)
- MacWrite Document (.mw, .mcw)
- StarWriter/ Star Writer formats (.sdw, .sgl, .vor)
- Unified Office Format text (.uot, .uof)
- Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd and .jtt)
- Hangul WP 97 (.hwp)
- eBook (.pdb)
- Apple Pages 4 (.pages)
- HTML Document (.htm, .html)
- Rich Text Format File (.rtf)
- Plain Text File (.txt)
- XML File (.xml)
- Text CSV (.csv)
- Json File (.json)
- Portable Document Format File (.pdf)
- OpenDocument formats (.ods, .ots, .fods, .sxc and .stc)
- Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls, .xlw, and .xlt)
- Microsoft Excel 4.x - 5.0/95 (.xls, .xlw, and .xlt)
- Microsoft Excel 2003 XML (.xml)
- Microsoft Excel 2007/2013 XML (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlts, .xltm)
- Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 binary (.xlsb)
- Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1, .wks, and .123)
- Data Interchange Format (.dif)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Text CSV (.csv and .txt)
- StarCalc formats (.sdc and .vor)
- dBASE (.dbf)
- SYLK (.slk)
- Quattro Pro 6.0 (.wb2)
- Apple Numbers 2 (.numbers)
- OpenDocument formats (.odp, .odg, .otp, .fopd, .sxi and .sti)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt and .pot)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 (.pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm)
- CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm)
- Portable Document Format (.pdf)
- Apple Keynote 5 (.key)
Web Files
- HTML File (.htm, .html, .xhtml)
- MHTML Web Archive (.mht, .mhtml)
Image Files
- Bitmap Image (.bmp)
- BW Image (.bw)
- Graphical Interchange Format File (.gif)
- Icon File (.ico)
- JPEG Image (.jpg, .jpeg)
- Portable Network Graphic (.png)
- Tagged Image File (.tif, .tiff)
- Others (.PCX, .SGV, .WMF, .MET, .PGM, .RAS , .SVM, .XBM, .EMF, .PBM, .PLT, .SDA, .TGA, .XPM, .EPS, .PCD, .SDD, .GIF, .PCT, .PPM, .SGF, .VOR)
- Adobe Photoshop (*.psd)
- AutoCAD Interchange Format (*.dxf)
- Corel Draw (*.cdr)
- Corel Presentation Exchange (*.cmx)
- Microsoft Publisher 98-2010 (*.pub)
- Microsoft Visio 2000-2013 (*.vdx; *.vsd; *.vsdm; *.vsdx)
- WordPerfect Graphics (*.wpg)
Formula files
- OpenDocument Formula (.odf and .sxm)
- StarMath (.smf)
- MathML (.mml)
Audio Files
- Advanced Audio Coding File (.aac)
- Free Lossless Audio Codec File (.flac)
- MPEG-4 Audio File (.m4a)
- MPEG-2 Audio File (.mp2)
- MP3 Audio File (.mp3)
- Ogg Vorbis Audio File (.ogg, .oga)
- Real Audio File (.ra)
- WAVE Audio File (.wav)
- Windows Media Audio File (.wma)
- PlayStation Audio File (.xa)
- 3GP Audio (.3ga, .3gpa)
- Audio Codec 3 (.ac3)
- Audio Interchange File Format (.aif, .aiff)
- Compressed Audio Interchange (.aifc)
- Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec (.amr )
- Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio (.ape)
- Audio File (.au)
- Core Audio.caf( .caff)
- DTS Encoded Audio (.dts)
- Global System for Mobile Audio (.gsm)
- MPEG-4 Audio Book (.m4b)
- iPhone Ringtone (.m4r)
- Matroska Audio (.mka)
- Meridian Lossless Packing Audio (.mlp)
- Musepack Compressed Audio (.mpc)
- Sony OpenMG Music (.oma)
- Opus Audio (.opus)
- PureVoice Audio (.qcp)
- Sound File (.snd)
- Ogg Vorbis Speex (.spx)
- True Audio (.tta)
- Creative Labs Audio (.voc)
- TwinVQ Audio (.vqf)
Video Files
- 3GPP2 Multimedia (.3g2)
- 3GPP Multimedia (.3gp)
- Anime Music Video (.amv)
- Advanced Systems Format (.asf)
- Audio Video Interleave (.avi)
- Bink Video (.bik)
- VCD Video (.dat)
- DivX Video (.divx)
- Digital Video (.dv)
- Flash MP4 Video (.f4v)
- Flash Video_.flv_
- General Exchange Format Video_.gxf_
- High Efficiency Video Coding_.hevc_
- Blu-ray BDAV Video(.m2t, .m2ts)
- MPEG-2 Video (.m2v)
- iTunes Video (.m4v)
- Matroska Video (.mkv)
- JVC Everio Video Recording (.mod)
- Apple QuickTime Movie_.mov_
- MPEG-4 Video(.mp4)
- MPEG Movie (.mpg, .mpeg)
- AVCHD Video (.mts)
- Material Exchange Format (.mxf)
- Nullsoft Streaming Video (.nsv)
- NuppelVideo (.nuv)
- Ogg Media (.ogm)
- Ogg Video (.ogv)
- Real Media (.rm)
- RealMedia Variable Bit Rate (.rmvb)
- Wii/GameCube Video (.thp)
- Beyond TV Transport Stream (.tp)
- Video Transport Stream (.ts)
- DVD Video Object (.vob)
- WebM Video (.webm)
- Windows Media Video (.wmv)
- Windows Recorded TV Show (.wtv)
- Microsoft Expression Screen Capture Video (.xesc)
- 7-Zip Compressed File (.7z)
- Android Package (.apk)
- ARJ Compressed Archive (.arj)
- Bzip2 Compressed Archive (.bz2, .bzip2)
- Windows Cabinet File (.cab)
- Comic Book RAR Archive (.cbr)
- Comic Book Zip Archive (.cbz)
- Compiled HTML Help File (.chm)
- Unix CPIO Archive (.cpio)
- Disk Doubler Archive (.dd)
- Debian Software Package (.deb)
- Windows Desktop Theme Pack (.deskthemepack)
- Mac OS X Disk Image (.dmg)
- Gzip Archive (.gz, .gzip)
- HFS Disk Image (.hfs)
- ISO Disc Image (.iso)
- Java Archive (.jar)
- LHARC Compressed File (.lha)
- LZH Compressed File (.lzh)
- LZMA Compressed File .lzma
- RAR Compressed Archive (including RAR5) (.rar)
- Red Hat Package Manager File (.rpm)
- TAR Archive (.tar)
- Bzip2 Compressed Tar Archive (.tar, .bz2, .tbz, .tbz2)
- Gzipped Tar File (.tar, .gz, .tgz)
- LZMA Compressed Tar Archive (.tar, .lzma)
- XZ Compressed Tar File (.tar, .xz, .txz)
- Z Compressed Tar File (.tar, .z, .taz)
- Virtual Hard Disk File (.vhd)
- Java Web Archive (.war)
- Windows Imaging Format File (.wim)
- Extensible Archive Format File (.xar)
- XZ Compressed Archive (.xz)
- Unix Compressed File (.z)
- Zipped File (.zip)
- Extended Zip File (.zipx)
What features are available in the FREE version?
- View over 130 file formats for free forever.
.004, .3gp, .3gpp, .aac, .adb, .ahk, .ai, .amv, .ape, .apk, .arj, .art, .arw, .as, .asf, .asm, .asp, .aspx, .atom, .au, .au3, .avi, .avs, .bak, .bakdb, .bas, .bik, .bin, .bmp, .brf, .bz2, .c, .caf, .caj, .cal, .cc, .cfg, .cfm, .cgi, .cip, .class, .clip, .cmake, .conf, .config, .cpp, .cr2, .crdownload, .cs, .csh, .css, .cube, .cur, .dcr, .dcx, .dds, .dex, .dfont, .diff, .dmg, .dng, .dotx, .download, .downloading, .dpr, .dpx, .dts, .dwg, .dxf, .emz, .eps, .ex, .exr, .ext, .f, .f90, .fat, .fax, .file, .fits, .flac, .flv, .gif, .gz, .h, .hdr, .htm, .html, .ico, .icon, .idx, .inc, .info, .ini, .iss, .j, .jar, .java, .jnlp, .jpeg, .jpg, .js, .json, .jsp, .jsx, .log, .lua, .lwp, .m2ts, .m3u, .m3u8, .m4a, .m4b, .m4v, .mak, .map, .mbr, .md, .md5, .mk, .mkd, .mkv, .mm, .mod, .mov, .mp2, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpp, .mts, .mxf, .nef, .nomedia, .nsh, .nsi, .odc, .ogg, .ogv, .opdownload, .opus, .package, .part, .partial, .pas, .patch, .php, .pl, .plist, .pls, .pm, .png, .pod, .potx, .ppsx, .pptm, .prg, .properties, .ps, .psb, .py, .r, .ra, .raw, .rb, .rc, .rec, .replay, .rm, .rmvb, .rpf, .rpm, .rss, .rw2, .sas, .scm, .sh, .sql, .squashfs, .srt, .ss, .st, .stl, .sty, .swf, .tcl, .tex, .tgz, .tif, .tiff, .tmp, .torrent, .ts, .udf, .v, .vb, .vdi, .vhd, .vmdk, .vsdx, .wav, .webm, .wim, .wma, .wmv, .xar, .xhtml, .xlsm, .xsd, .xsl, .xslt, .xz, .yaml, .yml, .z, .zip,
What features are available in the in-app purchase?
-View over 300 file formats for free one time, and then purchase plans for additional viewing access.
Office Plan $7.99
- View and edit Word, Excel & PowerPoint, the suppoted file types include:
"".123"", "".602"", "".abw"", "".agd"", "".ase"", "".cdr"", "".cgm"", "".cmx"", "".csv"", "".cwk"", "".dbf"", "".dif"", "".doc"", "".docx"", "".dot"", "".dps"", "".emf"", "".et"", "".fhd"", "".fodg"", "".fodp"", "".fods"", "".fodt"", "".gnm"", "".gnumeric"", "".gpl"", "".hwp"", "".iqy"", "".jtd"", "".jtt"", "".key"", "".kth"", "".met"", "".mml"", "".numbers"", "".odb"", "".odf"", "".odg"", "".odp"", "".ods"", "".odt"", "".ott"", "".p65"", "".pages"", "".pbm"", "".pcd"", "".pct"", "".pcx"", "".pdb"", "".pgm"", "".plt"", "".pm3"", "".pm4"", "".pm5"", "".pm6"", "".pmd"", "".pot"", "".ppm"", "".pps"", "".ppt"", "".pptx"", "".psw"", "".pub"", "".pxl"", "".qxp"", "".ras"", "".rlf"", "".rtf"", "".sda"", "".sdc"", "".sdd"", "".sdp"", "".sdw"", "".sgf"", "".sgl"", "".sgv"", "".show"", "".slk"", "".stc"", "".std"", "".sti"", "".stw"", "".svg"", "".svm"", "".sxc"", "".sxd"", "".sxi"", "".sxm"", "".sxw"", "".tga"", "".txt"", "".uof"", "".uop"", "".uos"", "".uot"", "".vor"", "".vsd"", "".wb2"", "".wdb"", "".wk1"", "".wk3"", "".wk4"", "".wks"", "".wmf"", "".wpd"", "".wps"", "".wq1"", "".wq2"", "".wri"", "".xbm"", "".xls"", "".xlsx"", "".xlt"", "".xlw"", "".xml"", "".xpm"", "".zabw"", "".zmf"".
Media Plan $4.99
- Play video & audio, the suppoted file types include:
"".bup"", "".ifo"", "".iso"", "".3ga"", "".amr"", "".f4v"", "".sdp"", "".spx"", "".tp"", "".vob"", "".vro"", "".zmf"".
Archives Plan $2.99
- Decompress files, the suppoted file types include:
"".001"", "".002"", "".003"", "".7z"", "".accdt"", "".air"", "".cab"", "".dl"", "".hfs"", "".ipa"", "".ipsw"", "".lzh"", "".msi"", "".pmd"", "".rar"", "".tar"", "".xpi"", "".zmf"".
Image Plan $2.99
- View any kind of image, the suppoted file types include:
"".aae"", "".heic"", "".data"
Cool File Viewer allows you to view any file on your PC. Simply select any file via the program window without first having to decide which application should be used to open a file. Cool File Viewer supports many common audio and video formats and can display many image, web, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Pages layout file types. - View any file on your PC. - Watch movies and listen to music including file formats like MKV, MP4, etc. - Open PPTX, Word, PDF, PNG, JPEG and many more. Over 450+ Supported File Types: ************************************ Text Documents - Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx) - OpenDocument formats (.odt, .ott, .oth and .odm ) - Open Office formats (.sxw, .stw and .sxg) - Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/Mac) (.doc and .dot) - Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml) - Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML (.docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm) - Microsoft WinWord 5 (.doc) - WordPerfect Document (.wpd) - Microsoft Works (.wps) - Lotus WordPro (.lwp) - Abiword Document (.abw, .zabw) - ClarisWorks/Appleworks Document (.cwk) - MacWrite Document (.mw, .mcw) - StarWriter/ Star Writer formats (.sdw, .sgl, .vor) - Unified Office Format text (.uot, .uof) - Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd and .jtt) - Hangul WP 97 (.hwp) - eBook (.pdb) - Apple Pages 4 (.pages) - HTML Document (.htm, .html) - Rich Text Format File (.rtf) - Plain Text File (.txt) - XML File (.xml) - Text CSV (.csv) - Json File (.json) PDFs - Portable Document Format File (.pdf) Spreadsheets - OpenDocument formats (.ods, .ots, .fods, .sxc and .stc) - Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls, .xlw, and .xlt) - Microsoft Excel 4.x - 5.0/95 (.xls, .xlw, and .xlt) - Microsoft Excel 2003 XML (.xml) - Microsoft Excel 2007/2013 XML (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlts, .xltm) - Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 binary (.xlsb) - Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1, .wks, and .123) - Data Interchange Format (.dif) - Rich Text Format (.rtf) - Text CSV (.csv and .txt) - StarCalc formats (.sdc and .vor) - dBASE (.dbf) - SYLK (.slk) - Quattro Pro 6.0 (.wb2) - Apple Numbers 2 (.numbers) Presentations - OpenDocument formats (.odp, .odg, .otp, .fopd, .sxi and .sti) - Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt and .pot) - Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 (.pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm) - CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm) - Portable Document Format (.pdf) - Apple Keynote 5 (.key) Web Files - HTML File (.htm, .html, .xhtml) - MHTML Web Archive (.mht, .mhtml) Image Files - Bitmap Image (.bmp) - BW Image (.bw) - Graphical Interchange Format File (.gif) - Icon File (.ico) - JPEG Image (.jpg, .jpeg) - Portable Network Graphic (.png) - Tagged Image File (.tif, .tiff) - Others (.PCX, .SGV, .WMF, .MET, .PGM, .RAS , .SVM, .XBM, .EMF, .PBM, .PLT, .SDA, .TGA, .XPM, .EPS, .PCD, .SDD, .GIF, .PCT, .PPM, .SGF, .VOR) - Adobe Photoshop (*.psd) - AutoCAD Interchange Format (*.dxf) - Corel Draw (*.cdr) - Corel Presentation Exchange (*.cmx) - Microsoft Publisher 98-2010 (*.pub) - Microsoft Visio 2000-2013 (*.vdx; *.vsd; *.vsdm; *.vsdx) - WordPerfect Graphics (*.wpg) Formula files - OpenDocument Formula (.odf and .sxm) - StarMath (.smf) - MathML (.mml) Audio Files - Advanced Audio Coding File (.aac) - Free Lossless Audio Codec File (.flac) - MPEG-4 Audio File (.m4a) - MPEG-2 Audio File (.mp2) - MP3 Audio File (.mp3) - Ogg Vorbis Audio File (.ogg, .oga) - Real Audio File (.ra) - WAVE Audio File (.wav) - Windows Media Audio File (.wma) - PlayStation Audio File (.xa) - 3GP Audio (.3ga, .3gpa) - Audio Codec 3 (.ac3) - Audio Interchange File Format (.aif, .aiff) - Compressed Audio Interchange (.aifc) - Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec (.amr ) - Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio (.ape) - Audio File (.au) - Core Audio.caf( .caff) - DTS Encoded Audio (.dts) - Global System for Mobile Audio (.gsm) - MPEG-4 Audio Book (.m4b) - iPhone Ringtone (.m4r) - Matroska Audio (.mka) - Meridian Lossless Packing Audio (.mlp) - Musepack Compressed Audio (.mpc) - Sony OpenMG Music (.oma) - Opus Audio (.opus) - PureVoice Audio (.qcp) - Sound File (.snd) - Ogg Vorbis Speex (.spx) - True Audio (.tta) - Creative Labs Audio (.voc) - TwinVQ Audio (.vqf) Video Files - 3GPP2 Multimedia (.3g2) - 3GPP Multimedia (.3gp) - Anime Music Video (.amv) - Advanced Systems Format (.asf) - Audio Video Interleave (.avi) - Bink Video (.bik) - VCD Video (.dat) - DivX Video (.divx) - Digital Video (.dv) - Flash MP4 Video (.f4v) - Flash Video_.flv_ - General Exchange Format Video_.gxf_ - High Efficiency Video Coding_.hevc_ - Blu-ray BDAV Video(.m2t, .m2ts) - MPEG-2 Video (.m2v) - iTunes Video (.m4v) - Matroska Video (.mkv) - JVC Everio Video Recording (.mod) - Apple QuickTime Movie_.mov_ - MPEG-4 Video(.mp4) - MPEG Movie (.mpg, .mpeg) - AVCHD Video (.mts) - Material Exchange Format (.mxf) - Nullsoft Streaming Video (.nsv) - NuppelVideo (.nuv) - Ogg Media (.ogm) - Ogg Video (.ogv) - Real Media (.rm) - RealMedia Variable Bit Rate (.rmvb) - Wii/GameCube Video (.thp) - Beyond TV Transport Stream (.tp) - Video Transport Stream (.ts) - DVD Video Object (.vob) - WebM Video (.webm) - Windows Media Video (.wmv) - Windows Recorded TV Show (.wtv) - Microsoft Expression Screen Capture Video (.xesc) Archives - 7-Zip Compressed File (.7z) - Android Package (.apk) - ARJ Compressed Archive (.arj) - Bzip2 Compressed Archive (.bz2, .bzip2) - Windows Cabinet File (.cab) - Comic Book RAR Archive (.cbr) - Comic Book Zip Archive (.cbz) - Compiled HTML Help File (.chm) - Unix CPIO Archive (.cpio) - Disk Doubler Archive (.dd) - Debian Software Package (.deb) - Windows Desktop Theme Pack (.deskthemepack) - Mac OS X Disk Image (.dmg) - Gzip Archive (.gz, .gzip) - HFS Disk Image (.hfs) - ISO Disc Image (.iso) - Java Archive (.jar) - LHARC Compressed File (.lha) - LZH Compressed File (.lzh) - LZMA Compressed File .lzma - RAR Compressed Archive (including RAR5) (.rar) - Red Hat Package Manager File (.rpm) - TAR Archive (.tar) - Bzip2 Compressed Tar Archive (.tar, .bz2, .tbz, .tbz2) - Gzipped Tar File (.tar, .gz, .tgz) - LZMA Compressed Tar Archive (.tar, .lzma) - XZ Compressed Tar File (.tar, .xz, .txz) - Z Compressed Tar File (.tar, .z, .taz) - Virtual Hard Disk File (.vhd) - Java Web Archive (.war) - Windows Imaging Format File (.wim) - Extensible Archive Format File (.xar) - XZ Compressed Archive (.xz) - Unix Compressed File (.z) - Zipped File (.zip) - Extended Zip File (.zipx) What features are available in the FREE version? - View over 130 file formats for free forever. .004, .3gp, .3gpp, .aac, .adb, .ahk, .ai, .amv, .ape, .apk, .arj, .art, .arw, .as, .asf, .asm, .asp, .aspx, .atom, .au, .au3, .avi, .avs, .bak, .bakdb, .bas, .bik, .bin, .bmp, .brf, .bz2, .c, .caf, .caj, .cal, .cc, .cfg, .cfm, .cgi, .cip, .class, .clip, .cmake, .conf, .config, .cpp, .cr2, .crdownload, .cs, .csh, .css, .cube, .cur, .dcr, .dcx, .dds, .dex, .dfont, .diff, .dmg, .dng, .dotx, .download, .downloading, .dpr, .dpx, .dts, .dwg, .dxf, .emz, .eps, .ex, .exr, .ext, .f, .f90, .fat, .fax, .file, .fits, .flac, .flv, .gif, .gz, .h, .hdr, .htm, .html, .ico, .icon, .idx, .inc, .info, .ini, .iss, .j, .jar, .java, .jnlp, .jpeg, .jpg, .js, .json, .jsp, .jsx, .log, .lua, .lwp, .m2ts, .m3u, .m3u8, .m4a, .m4b, .m4v, .mak, .map, .mbr, .md, .md5, .mk, .mkd, .mkv, .mm, .mod, .mov, .mp2, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpp, .mts, .mxf, .nef, .nomedia, .nsh, .nsi, .odc, .ogg, .ogv, .opdownload, .opus, .package, .part, .partial, .pas, .patch, .php, .pl, .plist, .pls, .pm, .png, .pod, .potx, .ppsx, .pptm, .prg, .properties, .ps, .psb, .py, .r, .ra, .raw, .rb, .rc, .rec, .replay, .rm, .rmvb, .rpf, .rpm, .rss, .rw2, .sas, .scm, .sh, .sql, .squashfs, .srt, .ss, .st, .stl, .sty, .swf, .tcl, .tex, .tgz, .tif, .tiff, .tmp, .torrent, .ts, .udf, .v, .vb, .vdi, .vhd, .vmdk, .vsdx, .wav, .webm, .wim, .wma, .wmv, .xar, .xhtml, .xlsm, .xsd, .xsl, .xslt, .xz, .yaml, .yml, .z, .zip, What features are available in the in-app purchase? -View over 300 file formats for free one time, and then purchase plans for additional viewing access. Office Plan $7.99 - View and edit Word, Excel & PowerPoint, the suppoted file types include: .123, .602, .abw, .agd, .ase, .cdr, .cgm, .cmx, .csv, .cwk, .dbf, .dif, .doc, .docx, .dot, .dps, .emf, .et, .fhd, .fodg, .fodp, .fods, .fodt, .gnm, .gnumeric, .gpl, .hwp, .iqy, .jtd, .jtt, .key, .kth, .met, .mml, .numbers, .odb, .odf, .odg, .odp, .ods, .odt, .ott, .p65, .pages, .pbm, .pcd, .pct, .pcx, .pdb, .pgm, .plt, .pm3, .pm4, .pm5, .pm6, .pmd, .pot, .ppm, .pps, .ppt, .pptx, .psw, .pub, .pxl, .qxp, .ras, .rlf, .rtf, .sda, .sdc, .sdd, .sdp, .sdw, .sgf, .sgl, .sgv, .show, .slk, .stc, .std, .sti, .stw, .svg, .svm, .sxc, .sxd, .sxi, .sxm, .sxw, .tga, .txt, .uof, .uop, .uos, .uot, .vor, .vsd, .wb2, .wdb, .wk1, .wk3, .wk4, .wks, .wmf, .wpd, .wps, .wq1, .wq2, .wri, .xbm, .xls, .xlsx, .xlt, .xlw, .xml, .xpm, .zabw, .zmf. Media Plan $4.99 - Play video & audio, the suppoted file types include: .bup, .ifo, .iso, .3ga, .amr, .f4v, .sdp, .spx, .tp, .vob, .vro, .zmf. Archives Plan $2.99 - Decompress files, the suppoted file types include: .001, .002, .003, .7z, .accdt, .air, .cab, .dl, .hfs, .ipa, .ipsw, .lzh, .msi, .pmd, .rar, .tar, .xpi, .zmf. Image Plan $2.99 - View any kind of image, the suppoted file types include: .aae, .heic, .data
Cool File Viewer allows you to view any file on your PC. Simply select any file via the program window without first having to decide which application should be used to open a file. Cool File Viewer supports many common audio and video formats and can display many image, web, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Pages layout file types. - View any file on your PC. - Watch movies and listen to music including file formats like MKV, MP4, etc. - Open PPTX, Word, PDF, PNG, JPEG and many more. Over 450+ Supported File Types: ************************************ Text Documents - Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx) - OpenDocument formats (.odt, .ott, .oth and .odm ) - Open Office formats (.sxw, .stw and .sxg) - Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/Mac) (.doc and .dot) - Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml) - Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML (.docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm) - Microsoft WinWord 5 (.doc) - WordPerfect Document (.wpd) - Microsoft Works (.wps) - Lotus WordPro (.lwp) - Abiword Document (.abw, .zabw) - ClarisWorks/Appleworks Document (.cwk) - MacWrite Document (.mw, .mcw) - StarWriter/ Star Writer formats (.sdw, .sgl, .vor) - Unified Office Format text (.uot, .uof) - Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd and .jtt) - Hangul WP 97 (.hwp) - eBook (.pdb) - Apple Pages 4 (.pages) - HTML Document (.htm, .html) - Rich Text Format File (.rtf) - Plain Text File (.txt) - XML File (.xml) - Text CSV (.csv) - Json File (.json) PDFs - Portable Document Format File (.pdf) Spreadsheets - OpenDocument formats (.ods, .ots, .fods, .sxc and .stc) - Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls, .xlw, and .xlt) - Microsoft Excel 4.x - 5.0/95 (.xls, .xlw, and .xlt) - Microsoft Excel 2003 XML (.xml) - Microsoft Excel 2007/2013 XML (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlts, .xltm) - Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 binary (.xlsb) - Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1, .wks, and .123) - Data Interchange Format (.dif) - Rich Text Format (.rtf) - Text CSV (.csv and .txt) - StarCalc formats (.sdc and .vor) - dBASE (.dbf) - SYLK (.slk) - Quattro Pro 6.0 (.wb2) - Apple Numbers 2 (.numbers) Presentations - OpenDocument formats (.odp, .odg, .otp, .fopd, .sxi and .sti) - Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt and .pot) - Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 (.pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm) - CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm) - Portable Document Format (.pdf) - Apple Keynote 5 (.key) Web Files - HTML File (.htm, .html, .xhtml) - MHTML Web Archive (.mht, .mhtml) Image Files - Bitmap Image (.bmp) - BW Image (.bw) - Graphical Interchange Format File (.gif) - Icon File (.ico) - JPEG Image (.jpg, .jpeg) - Portable Network Graphic (.png) - Tagged Image File (.tif, .tiff) - Others (.PCX, .SGV, .WMF, .MET, .PGM, .RAS , .SVM, .XBM, .EMF, .PBM, .PLT, .SDA, .TGA, .XPM, .EPS, .PCD, .SDD, .GIF, .PCT, .PPM, .SGF, .VOR) - Adobe Photoshop (*.psd) - AutoCAD Interchange Format (*.dxf) - Corel Draw (*.cdr) - Corel Presentation Exchange (*.cmx) - Microsoft Publisher 98-2010 (*.pub) - Microsoft Visio 2000-2013 (*.vdx; *.vsd; *.vsdm; *.vsdx) - WordPerfect Graphics (*.wpg) Formula files - OpenDocument Formula (.odf and .sxm) - StarMath (.smf) - MathML (.mml) Audio Files - Advanced Audio Coding File (.aac) - Free Lossless Audio Codec File (.flac) - MPEG-4 Audio File (.m4a) - MPEG-2 Audio File (.mp2) - MP3 Audio File (.mp3) - Ogg Vorbis Audio File (.ogg, .oga) - Real Audio File (.ra) - WAVE Audio File (.wav) - Windows Media Audio File (.wma) - PlayStation Audio File (.xa) - 3GP Audio (.3ga, .3gpa) - Audio Codec 3 (.ac3) - Audio Interchange File Format (.aif, .aiff) - Compressed Audio Interchange (.aifc) - Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec (.amr ) - Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio (.ape) - Audio File (.au) - Core Audio.caf( .caff) - DTS Encoded Audio (.dts) - Global System for Mobile Audio (.gsm) - MPEG-4 Audio Book (.m4b) - iPhone Ringtone (.m4r) - Matroska Audio (.mka) - Meridian Lossless Packing Audio (.mlp) - Musepack Compressed Audio (.mpc) - Sony OpenMG Music (.oma) - Opus Audio (.opus) - PureVoice Audio (.qcp) - Sound File (.snd) - Ogg Vorbis Speex (.spx) - True Audio (.tta) - Creative Labs Audio (.voc) - TwinVQ Audio (.vqf) Video Files - 3GPP2 Multimedia (.3g2) - 3GPP Multimedia (.3gp) - Anime Music Video (.amv) - Advanced Systems Format (.asf) - Audio Video Interleave (.avi) - Bink Video (.bik) - VCD Video (.dat) - DivX Video (.divx) - Digital Video (.dv) - Flash MP4 Video (.f4v) - Flash Video_.flv_ - General Exchange Format Video_.gxf_ - High Efficiency Video Coding_.hevc_ - Blu-ray BDAV Video(.m2t, .m2ts) - MPEG-2 Video (.m2v) - iTunes Video (.m4v) - Matroska Video (.mkv) - JVC Everio Video Recording (.mod) - Apple QuickTime Movie_.mov_ - MPEG-4 Video(.mp4) - MPEG Movie (.mpg, .mpeg) - AVCHD Video (.mts) - Material Exchange Format (.mxf) - Nullsoft Streaming Video (.nsv) - NuppelVideo (.nuv) - Ogg Media (.ogm) - Ogg Video (.ogv) - Real Media (.rm) - RealMedia Variable Bit Rate (.rmvb) - Wii/GameCube Video (.thp) - Beyond TV Transport Stream (.tp) - Video Transport Stream (.ts) - DVD Video Object (.vob) - WebM Video (.webm) - Windows Media Video (.wmv) - Windows Recorded TV Show (.wtv) - Microsoft Expression Screen Capture Video (.xesc) Archives - 7-Zip Compressed File (.7z) - Android Package (.apk) - ARJ Compressed Archive (.arj) - Bzip2 Compressed Archive (.bz2, .bzip2) - Windows Cabinet File (.cab) - Comic Book RAR Archive (.cbr) - Comic Book Zip Archive (.cbz) - Compiled HTML Help File (.chm) - Unix CPIO Archive (.cpio) - Disk Doubler Archive (.dd) - Debian Software Package (.deb) - Windows Desktop Theme Pack (.deskthemepack) - Mac OS X Disk Image (.dmg) - Gzip Archive (.gz, .gzip) - HFS Disk Image (.hfs) - ISO Disc Image (.iso) - Java Archive (.jar) - LHARC Compressed File (.lha) - LZH Compressed File (.lzh) - LZMA Compressed File .lzma - RAR Compressed Archive (including RAR5) (.rar) - Red Hat Package Manager File (.rpm) - TAR Archive (.tar) - Bzip2 Compressed Tar Archive (.tar, .bz2, .tbz, .tbz2) - Gzipped Tar File (.tar, .gz, .tgz) - LZMA Compressed Tar Archive (.tar, .lzma) - XZ Compressed Tar File (.tar, .xz, .txz) - Z Compressed Tar File (.tar, .z, .taz) - Virtual Hard Disk File (.vhd) - Java Web Archive (.war) - Windows Imaging Format File (.wim) - Extensible Archive Format File (.xar) - XZ Compressed Archive (.xz) - Unix Compressed File (.z) - Zipped File (.zip) - Extended Zip File (.zipx) What features are available in the FREE version? - View over 130 file formats for free forever. .004, .3gp, .3gpp, .aac, .adb, .ahk, .ai, .amv, .ape, .apk, .arj, .art, .arw, .as, .asf, .asm, .asp, .aspx, .atom, .au, .au3, .avi, .avs, .bak, .bakdb, .bas, .bik, .bin, .bmp, .brf, .bz2, .c, .caf, .caj, .cal, .cc, .cfg, .cfm, .cgi, .cip, .class, .clip, .cmake, .conf, .config, .cpp, .cr2, .crdownload, .cs, .csh, .css, .cube, .cur, .dcr, .dcx, .dds, .dex, .dfont, .diff, .dmg, .dng, .dotx, .download, .downloading, .dpr, .dpx, .dts, .dwg, .dxf, .emz, .eps, .ex, .exr, .ext, .f, .f90, .fat, .fax, .file, .fits, .flac, .flv, .gif, .gz, .h, .hdr, .htm, .html, .ico, .icon, .idx, .inc, .info, .ini, .iss, .j, .jar, .java, .jnlp, .jpeg, .jpg, .js, .json, .jsp, .jsx, .log, .lua, .lwp, .m2ts, .m3u, .m3u8, .m4a, .m4b, .m4v, .mak, .map, .mbr, .md, .md5, .mk, .mkd, .mkv, .mm, .mod, .mov, .mp2, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpp, .mts, .mxf, .nef, .nomedia, .nsh, .nsi, .odc, .ogg, .ogv, .opdownload, .opus, .package, .part, .partial, .pas, .patch, .php, .pl, .plist, .pls, .pm, .png, .pod, .potx, .ppsx, .pptm, .prg, .properties, .ps, .psb, .py, .r, .ra, .raw, .rb, .rc, .rec, .replay, .rm, .rmvb, .rpf, .rpm, .rss, .rw2, .sas, .scm, .sh, .sql, .squashfs, .srt, .ss, .st, .stl, .sty, .swf, .tcl, .tex, .tgz, .tif, .tiff, .tmp, .torrent, .ts, .udf, .v, .vb, .vdi, .vhd, .vmdk, .vsdx, .wav, .webm, .wim, .wma, .wmv, .xar, .xhtml, .xlsm, .xsd, .xsl, .xslt, .xz, .yaml, .yml, .z, .zip, What features are available in the in-app purchase? -View over 300 file formats for free one time, and then purchase plans for additional viewing access. Office Plan $7.99 - View and edit Word, Excel & PowerPoint, the suppoted file types include: .123, .602, .abw, .agd, .ase, .cdr, .cgm, .cmx, .csv, .cwk, .dbf, .dif, .doc, .docx, .dot, .dps, .emf, .et, .fhd, .fodg, .fodp, .fods, .fodt, .gnm, .gnumeric, .gpl, .hwp, .iqy, .jtd, .jtt, .key, .kth, .met, .mml, .numbers, .odb, .odf, .odg, .odp, .ods, .odt, .ott, .p65, .pages, .pbm, .pcd, .pct, .pcx, .pdb, .pgm, .plt, .pm3, .pm4, .pm5, .pm6, .pmd, .pot, .ppm, .pps, .ppt, .pptx, .psw, .pub, .pxl, .qxp, .ras, .rlf, .rtf, .sda, .sdc, .sdd, .sdp, .sdw, .sgf, .sgl, .sgv, .show, .slk, .stc, .std, .sti, .stw, .svg, .svm, .sxc, .sxd, .sxi, .sxm, .sxw, .tga, .txt, .uof, .uop, .uos, .uot, .vor, .vsd, .wb2, .wdb, .wk1, .wk3, .wk4, .wks, .wmf, .wpd, .wps, .wq1, .wq2, .wri, .xbm, .xls, .xlsx, .xlt, .xlw, .xml, .xpm, .zabw, .zmf. Media Plan $4.99 - Play video & audio, the suppoted file types include: .bup, .ifo, .iso, .3ga, .amr, .f4v, .sdp, .spx, .tp, .vob, .vro, .zmf. Archives Plan $2.99 - Decompress files, the suppoted file types include: .001, .002, .003, .7z, .accdt, .air, .cab, .dl, .hfs, .ipa, .ipsw, .lzh, .msi, .pmd, .rar, .tar, .xpi, .zmf. Image Plan $2.99 - View any kind of image, the suppoted file types include: .aae, .heic, .data

How to Open Rar File on Mac How to Extract RAR Files on macOS
Office Reader - WORD/PDF/EXCEL App Stats: Downloads, Users and Ranking in Google Play

How to open RAR files in Windows 11/10
File Viewer for Android - Apps on Google Play

Air File Viewer Pro: Open RAR, Word, PDF, PowerPoint & Video - Download

Open Online Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, ZIP, PSD And More Files Formats

Download All Document Reader & Analyze APKs for Android - APKMirror

Extract RAR files on Windows 11/10 using free Microsoft Store apps

Open Online Word, PowerPoint, PDF etc - Microsoft Office Online, Google Drive Viewer and Zoho

Tried-and-True Solution: Fix RAR Files after Header Corruption
RAR Opener - Microsoft Apps

File Viewer Pro User Guide - Cool Media Life
Office Reader - WORD/PDF/EXCEL - Apps on Google Play
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